[su_quote cite=”Nikola Tesla” url=””]If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.[/su_quote]

We have been inspired to create regular classes and workshops integrating Art, Crafting, Healthy Refreshment, and Meditation.

Art Meditation class with Lauren Crosthwaite is on-going monthly workshop for students 10 yrs and over. Drop in class is $25 adults, $20 for kids. This class provides a 90-min project with group instruction + 30 minutes of Yoga. Held the first Fridays of the month from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. We will not be meeting on March 2 due to the Rod Run event in Old Town Temecula.

Upcoming workshops provide a longer social time along with more focused projects and themes. See our upcoming events page:

[su_button url=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/admhome?studioid=1282″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#b12d26″ size=”8″ wide=”yes” radius=”0″]Register Online[/su_button]