300 RYT Advanced Yoga Teacher Certification with Cloud Nine Yoga School, RYS since 2002

Advance your teaching skills and learn new methods to make your classes a unique journey for students. We assist and inspire new and seasoned teachers to offer powerful, healing techniques in the vast realm of Yoga’s schools and traditions. Master Your Teaching, Honor Your Practice, Be of Service. See the most recent testimonials and reviews of our Yoga Alliance Registered School here.

“Cloud Nine Yoga is one of the few yoga programs the really offers high quality education across the board- anatomical to spiritual. The teachers are living their yoga. It’s about not only being a really solid teacher on the physical level but also understanding how to apply yogic principles in your life…Furthermore, there are a lot of pop-up, newer teacher training programs, and I appreciate that this is one from people who have been living and practicing their yoga for decades. This is one of the oldest and most solid YTT programs in the USA and beyond.” 5-star review By: Ayurveda by Siva

To complete your 300-hr Advanced Yoga Teacher Training with Cloud Nine Yoga:


Our Advanced Yoga Teacher Training and Certification is in the tradition of Hatha Yoga with an emphasis on Yoga for Mental Health. This means we focus on breath-centered movement meditation, centered in the Yang of Vinyasa Flow and the Yin of Restorative Yoga. We include elements of slo, meditative flow through Sun and Moon Salutations, Standing and Balancing Poses, Supported Inversions, Seated Forward Bends, Hip/Heart Openers, Twisting, and Yin/Restore Relaxation techniques with the majority of our sequences. Practices are generously supplemented with therapeutics such as AcuYoga (Acupressure & Yoga), Mantra & Mudra (Subtle Energy Healing), and Yoga Nidra with Sound Healing (Progressive, Guided Relaxation & Pratyahara).

Modules 1 – 3: Ayurvedic Daily Care, Yoga Nidra, Chakra Anatomy & Energy Body Activation, Planning Classes / Designing Workshops, Radiance Sutras (Vijnana Bhairava Tantra), Yin Yoga & Meditation, The Power of Teaching, The Psychology of Yoga, Service Yoga, Art Meditations, and Self-Care Principles.

Modules 4 – 6: Vedic Wisdom & The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali from a Heart-Centered approach, Decompression Techniques for the Body-Mind-Spirit, Acupressure Techniques and uses in Yoga Classes, Mudras for Healing, Progressive Visualization in Meditation, Functional Anatomy for the Proper Approach to Asana Safety, Creative Vinyasa, Acu-Yoga, and Self-Massage.


OPTION 1: 300-hr Self-Paced Course Tuition: $2900 (includes our online recorded full 300 RYT curriculum)

OPTION 2: Take TWO 10-day Retreat Immersions starting at $8800 for shared lodging.

OPTION 3: Enroll in the Hybrid Program for 300 RYT Certification. Take part in person, and part online: $5850 includes one retreat with shared accommodations + the entire online 300-hr recordings.


1. Call or text Erika at 310-989-0878 to schedule your complimentary 30-minute consultation.

2. Fill out our Registration Form.

3. Make your first payment to begin. Cloud Nine Yoga can set up an installment plan for you to pay over time or you. Pay in full at registration for a 10% discount.


Our Virtual 300 RYT Yoga Teacher Training is currently available as a self-paced course with bi-monthly mentoring on Wednesdays with Erika.

We have quarterly retreats in Hawaii, California, and other beautiful locations that are optional and count toward your training hours.

10-day Immersion retreat options: January 7 – 16, 2025 ๐Ÿ๏ธ February 4 – 13, 2025 ๐Ÿ–๏ธ April 8 – 17, 2025 ๐ŸŒบ May 13 – 22, 2025 ๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ August 12 – 21, 2025 ๐Ÿชท

REQUIRED BOOKS for 300-hr RYT Training:


When you come to one of our 300-hr Yoga Training Immersion Retreats, you complete hours toward the Advanced (300-hr) curriculum. The price you pay includes airport transfers, lodging, most meals, excursions, and the current course curriculum.

Not Included: airfare and materials (books).


To get started, please register by filling out our Google Formย HERE

***** By: Courtney Spence Oct 27, 2018

Cloud Nine Yoga’s 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is beyond words. The three weeks I spent with the school on Kauai were transformational. Not only did I expand my knowledge of yoga, I expanded my entire being. Thank you Erika, Trinity, and Tiffany. I am eternally grateful.