In-Depth Yoga Study and Basic Teacher Certification

R.Y.T 200 Level Program Breakdown:

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Subjects Covered:
Yoga Anatomy and Physiology, Applied Teaching Methodology and Practice, Sequencing, Yoga History & Philosophy, Yogic Living/Nutrition, Ethical Guidelines, Sanskrit, Asana Benefits & Contraindications, Cuing, Vocal & Hands-on Adjustments, Partner Work, Thai Yoga Massage, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Dieties & Avatars, Understanding the Importance of the Guru, The Schools of Yoga, Chakras & Psychology of Yoga, Mudra & Mantra, Bandhas & Kriyas, Ayurveda, The Business of Yoga: Professional Info for the Yoga Teacher, Yoga for Seniors & Motion Restriction (Chair Yoga), Intro to Pre Natal Yoga, Yoga for Kids, The Seven Moving Principles AND all the Asana Breakdowns for teaching all levels of students (Sun Salutations, Forward Bends, Back Bends, Inversions, Core Strengthening, Balancing & Standing Postures, Hip & Heart Openers).

Cost of training:
In-Person Tuition: $3000

Online Tuition: $1450

Students must purchase on their own:

Required Books

Other Supplies such as a journal or notebook, pens, and yoga props (mat, 2 blocks, strap, bolster – all recommended)

Links to Register for Cloud Nine Yoga School: