Vijaya Stern, Ayurvedic Naturopath, CMT is a highly recognized teacher and practitioner of Ayurveda, who has served as a Board of Directors for the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine (CAAM). She has practiced in California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New York and Bali. Vijaya’s advancement in the art of Nadi Vijyanam (pulse diagnosis) draws an international clientele. She uses it to determine not onlyone’s Prakruti (mind/ body type) but can assess the present state of imbalances in the tissue systems, organs, and sub-doshas. The mind, vital essences and hormones are also assessable in the ancient system of healing. Herbal compounds are formulated to assist in the alignment with one’s Self.
She has devoted her main course of study to Ayurvedic Medicine with Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM since 1984. Vijaya has also studied with Dr. Sunil Joshi, Dr. Ranade, Lopsong Rapgay, Deepak Chopra and Vajra Ma & Nita Rubio (Sacred Dance), Parvathi Nanda Nath (MahaVidya Wisdom), Hart deFouw (Jyotisha and Vastu Shastra) along with advanced Ayurvedic studies in India. Vijaya is also a graduate of the Clayton College of Natural Healing in 1993.
Vijaya has taught Ayurveda and PanchaKarma (ayurvedic rejuvenation) at several Yoga Studios, Massage Schools, New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine and the Northwest Institute of Ayurveda. Other areas of study include Breathwork, Sanskrit Chanting, Tantric Mysticism and several forms of Yoga. She is the originator of Shakti Marga Sacred Movement, which incorporates Ayurveda, Tantra, Yoga and Breathwork into a form of self-healing.